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Huge Rifle Kill Officially Scores 200 4/8

We did not have pictures of this old buck on our trail cameras and had never seen him before. This is prime example of why you want to be in your blinds in the middle of the day and not make your hunting decisions on what your cameras tell you.

Michael Adams from Louisiana was sitting with his guide in middle of a huge corn field on our properties in Central, Kansas. It was just past 2 p.m. in the afternoon and both the hunter and guide were busy looking at their phones and visiting waiting for the sun to drop and the late evening feeding on the edges of their field. Out of nowhere this monster shows up and walks right out of the woods and starts eating in the middle of the field. Both the guide and the hunter were in amazement. Michael took his time and dropped this buck of a lifetime.

This buck was officially scored at the Dallas Safari Club show at the Boone and Crockett booth. The buck scored 200 4/8 gross and netted 192 4/8. What a great deer.



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